What We Do

RAM is an independent organisation that empowers and encourages remote Australians to join and participate in the design and development of solutions that are fit for their community and their residents.

Our Mission

That integrated and community based and led health services are prioritised to deliver universal health coverage to remote Australia.

It’s a simple statement that means so much to the people who live and work in remote Australia.  Universal health coverage, as defined in the UN sustainable development goals means providing appropriate primary healthcare to everyone, regardless of where they live, and equitable access to the same standard of health provision that our urban counterparts enjoy.

By bringing remote community members together to connect with government and healthcare stakeholders, we have created a space for community to play an active role in designing and developing the models of care that their communities need”

— Annabelle Brayley RAM President

What We’ve Achieved

  • Inaugural RAM Conference in 2023 attended by 130 delegates

  • Delegation to Canberra in February 2024 & meeting with Federal Health Minister Mark Butler & Assistant Minister for Rural & Regional Health Emma McBride

  • Over 1600 RAM community members nationwide

  • Board Member Gus Whyte invited to be the Keynote Speaker at Queensland Rural and Remote Clinical Network Forum

  • Invitation to participate in Federal Government consultation - Working Better for Medicare Review

  • Invitation to participate in Federal Government consultation - Scope of Practice Review

  • Invitation to participate in the National Centre for Farmer Health Symposium 2024